About Anscor
Anscor was established by the late Colonel Andres Soriano in 1930 as a holding company for diversified investments in the Philippines. The Sorianos are one of the old established families in the Philippines with a long history in business. Initially, the Company concentrated on natural resources and basic industries investing in Atlas Consolidated Mining and Development Corporation, Phelps Dodge Phils. and Atlas Fertilizer Corporation. During the late 1970s and early 1980s, the Company entered into its second phase of development, investing in the financial service sector through Provident Insurance Corporation, AB Capital and Investment Corporation, and AsianBank. Subsequently, as Philippine trade increased with growth in the level of exports and imports, Anscor diversified into container ports services (ICTSI) and tourism (Amanpulo Resort) in the early 1990s.
Anscor divested its investments in the mining, fertilizer manufacturing and financial services sectors as management anticipated unfavorable results in continuing with these businesses.
In the late 1990s, investment focus was on the export of services through SPI Technologies, Inc. and International Quality Manpower Services, Inc. Together with other partners, Anscor ventured into information technology through Multi-media Telephony, Inc.(Broadband Phils).
Currently, Anscor apportioned part of its assets to a liquid portfolio of marketable securities that offer acceptable risk return profiles. Similarly, its portfolio includes investments in offshore and local corporate and sovereign bonds denominated in US dollars and Euros.
In May 2006, The Group’s holdings in ICTSI shares were sold to Razon Group. Also, in July 2006, Anscor’s subsidiary sold all its shareholdings in SPI Technologies, Inc.